- Expand globally
- Sales Acceleration

All our services are tailor-made. 以下是一些常见的挑战,以及我们如何帮助您加速全球销售业绩.
I'm struggling to find suitable local business partners. What can I do?
Helping companies find partners is one of our key services. With one foot in the public sector and one in the private, 如果你方在新市场经验有限,我们有广泛的联系网络可以派上用场.
This is how we can help:
- Search for and evaluate suitable partners
- 利用我们的网络让您的公司与主要利益相关者和决策者联系
- Set up and attend meetings with potential partners
- Bridge language and cultural barriers
I need to set up a local sales team in my new market, but where do I start?
If direct sales is your preferred business model, you will indeed need a solid sales team with local market knowledge. 与此同时,在业务起飞之前招聘和培训销售人员可能存在风险.
This is how we can help:
- Search for and evaluate relevant customer segments and/or customers
- Manage your sales both temporarily or for a longer period
- Use our network to find the connections you need to close a deal
Can you help me execute my global sales strategy more efficiently?
管理你的销售策略对于在新市场中充分利用机会是至关重要的. Getting it right requires equal parts art and science, and it can take a long time to find the right business development leaders.
This is how we can help:
- Check and tailor your growth strategy
- 在寻找永久解决方案的同时,领导当地的销售团队(在某些市场上是可行的)
- Help you tap into “Brand Sweden”, a strategy for promoting Sweden abroad through activities and initiatives
I would like to improve sales performance in my international markets. Can you help?
你能做些什么来提高你在另一个国家的经销商的业绩? A sales strategy needs to be managed well to be effective, 但许多公司缺乏在新市场找到合适销售团队所需的资源.
This is how we can help:
- Evaluate and carry out performance management
- Facilitate communication between global and local sales managers
How can I increase my chances of landing public tenders abroad?
如果一个意想不到的采购交易出现在你的国际市场,会发生什么? 知道如何最好地应对突发事件是很有挑战性的, and there is a risk that the opportunity slips away.
This is how we can help:
- Strengthen your regular sales team
- Show you how to benefit from the strategy of Sweden as a brand
- Guide you to available resources within Team Sweden, a network of government authorities, 这些机构和公司共同努力促进PG电子官方免费下载的海外出口和在PG电子官方免费下载的投资
- 支持您对欧盟、联合国和国际开发银行的采购
Read more about International procurements and our Business to Government services.
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In just a few clicks, 我们的免费在线评估工具将根据12个基于经验的绩效参数对您的分销商进行排名. Try now!