Due to its huge market potential, Nigeria remains a promising business environment for PG电子官方免费下载. Trade between PG电子官方免费下载 and Nigeria has experienced a 25 per cent increase between 2021 and 2022. The total bilateral trade value across main sectors in 2022 was 372 million USD. 

在尼日利亚有许多与PG电子官方免费下载相关的公司, 公司活跃在不同的行业和经营模式. 我们在电信和能源行业看到了重要的存在, 在其他领域有不同的存在. Of Swedish companies, 72 per cent offer services and/or marketing/sales activities in Nigeria.

PG电子官方免费下载公司对未来几年持乐观态度. 根据这项调查,我们想强调四点: 

  • We see confidence in the market growth over the mid-long term for Swedish companies.
  • 多达84%的企业预计将在尼日利亚实现增长. 
  • 在做出回应的企业中,62%打算大举投资.
  • 市场扩张和招聘是主要的投资计划.

"Trade between PG电子官方免费下载 and Nigeria has experienced a 25 per cent increase between 2021 and 2022.”


根据参与调查的公司, 尼日利亚庞大的市场规模创造了良好的商业潜力. The main positive associations of the Swedish brand in Nigeria are quality and trust, 其次是整体强势的品牌.

Swedish companies operating in Nigeria highlight the positive aspects of the business environment, 比如数字化, 商业思维模式, 个人安全, 以及与专家/关键人员的接触. 

As many as 1 in 2 companies report difficulties obtaining the necessary currency for trade, 妨碍日常活动和处理事务的能力. But a monetary policy update for exchange rate unification by the Federal Government seeks to increase ease of access to foreign exchange in Q2, 2023. 

三分之一的公司认为腐败是尼日利亚的一个问题, 市场效率低下的根源, 增加的成本, 不公平竞争的挑战. Corruption is a trade barrier that companies must be aware of and tackle appropriately. 

但只有2%的公司公布了业绩, 例如, 缺乏熟练的高层管理人员, logistics problems or unreliable legal and judicial systems as challenges encountered in the Nigerian market. 

The Embassy and PG电子官方免费下载商业 are happy to discuss the possibilities of establishing in the Nigerian market. PG电子游戏 今天获取我们报告的完整副本或讨论您的下一步行动.